Thursday, May 27, 2010

some new photos


and only up until Pearsberg.. I'll do better later


about to Enter Shenandoah

Hello All.

So I made it to Shenandoah and I'm currently in the Waynesboro Public Library,, I finally got to upload some pictures.. but I didn't get to spend 3 hours editing them in Picasa so they may not be as great as they could be..

This past week my Parents came down and helped me out by slackpacking me from mile 660 to Mile 803. in the Span of 6 days I walked 143 miles (24 miles a day roughly),, and while I didn't have a full pack on... walking 33 miles in one day and walking for 13 straight hours with just a few 20 minutes breaks in between Does take it toll and I was pretty tired some of the days... The stay was made even better by the fact that a few of my trail friends came along and were able to share the cabin that my mom and dad rented with me.

My parents got a cabin near the Peaks of Otter (T... I think you would have loved the area if you had decided to take that position,, it was a very picturesque area.)

Anyway we got the cabin for 3 nights and Patch and Grolar Bear and Pixie all came along and were wined and dined by my mom and dad. We had a home cooked breakfast and dinner everyday.

I can't thank my parents enough for coming down. It was awesome. I love them very much. Thanks Mom and Dad.

So anyway I'm in Waynesboro,, I've only got 26 minutes left on this computer and I'm going to go check out my photos that I uploaded... I'll post a link momentarily

Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm at Captain's

This place is amazing.
Basically a local guy who lives near the trail.. offers his living room to thru-hikers to sleep in. I got a shower and was able to cook on his stove. He's a really nice guy. I'm here with my friend Green Dog who I'd first met in Irwin I believe. As well as three other thrus who I met yeasterday.
I'm almost shocked at how awesomly nice this guy is for to be able to open his home to thru-hikers. I'm very thankful.

Trail Days in Damascus was an awesome time.. It was awesome to be able to see so many people who had hiked ahead or else whom I had passed.

A big thanks to Hyways TrailTalk friends, Chainsaw drove me down there and Arthur gave me and Hyway a ride back. I got there Wednesday night and had a few beers...

Thursday, Friday and Saturday was kind of a non-stop party after that. I ran into Aly and Jeff in town at the Dairy King but I didn't see them afterwards
I also saw both of my friends from Penn State -Brooke aka Wampus Cat and Nick aka Grumps.. but only for a little bit.

I got to hang out with Didgeridude and Doodlebug a bit,, it was neat that they knew some of "Team Go-Dat" Cotton, Holy Smoke and Slackamus.

That was where I hung out the majority of the weekend,,with Slack, Holy Smoke, Cotton, Squash and Trinket. Team-Go-Dat all the way.

The hiker parade was great and there was alot of Water war-fare ala balloons and guns and the such. Then there was a drum circle every night and on Friday a local jam band played called Native Sway.. It was pretty sweet. Something I'll never forget and something that I'm looking forward to comming back to next year.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pearisburg to trail days

Hello All,,
My last update was Bland,, roughly 45 miles ago.
Since then I've only done three days of hiking. 19, 15 and 10
I got into Pearisburg at around 2 o'clock on Monday and made the trek down to the town.. I first stopped at Dairy Queen and then hiked up to the Holy Family Hostel. It's actually the first Catholic Hostel that I've seen on the trail and it was a really nice place. The first night it was only myself and one other hiker Maple who were there...

The next morning Red Kielty, Stryder and Green Dog and Ikabob showed up. The first night most people were downtown in hotels drinking and while a beer is always hard to pass up.. the quietness of a Hostel practically to yourself was a really nice break. That first monday night I actually walked over to the Wal-Mart and noticed that a girls high school soccer game was going on... and so I went over and watched the end of the second half. It was actually pretty enjoyable to sit down,, get some Nachos and just watch a game... It brought back some good memories of the sports that I played growing up. It got my mind off of the trail and it was just a really good break from the AT Normality.

The next day (tuesday) I woke up and went to say Hi to Father John. I only was planning on saying a quick hello,, but He ended up talking to me for about an Hour.
He was a nice guy, but by the time I left and he gave me a blessing.. I had a terrible headache,, so As I was walking back towards downtown and the Trail... I turned around went back tot he hostel,,, took a couple of iBprofines and took a nap.. By the time I woke up it was 4 o'clock and there was no point in leaving town.

So I stayed there last night and TODAY (WEDNESDAY) I'm sticking around again because in order to get a hitch down to Damascus for trail days... this is the best Option.

So it will be 6 Straight Days of NO HIKING. :( !!!!!!!!.... I was contemplating not going to trail days after something came up and my initial ride down there was not able to come... but I know that I would regret not going... This is once in a lifetime thing that I'm doing and to skip Trail Days ( a festival for "me") so I can hike a couple more miles just doesn't make sense to me at all. So I'm in the process of trying to figure out either splitting a shuttle down there or trying to hitch it... I'm going to Damascus Tomorrow and I'm excited for a Weekend of Fun and meeting up with friends that I've passed or that have passed me.

Cherish the Day


Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm in Bland Virginia

Nestled next to Interstate 77, between the towns of Bastain and Wytheville, lies the town of Bland. It is small. It is quiet. There is a Courthouse. There is a small Grocery Store. There is a Dairy Queen connected to a gas station. There is a Subway. There is a Post Office. There is a Library which blocks the uploading of pictures. A library of which I am uploading this blog from.

I'm at mile 583 and I'm taking a zero day here in Bland Virginia. The past few days were dry and hot and rough. Virginia does not seem to be the vast flatland that I expected. Nowadays I am in what I believe are the Blue Ridge Mountains and it seems that we are constantly going up 500 ft and then down 500ft, Multiple times each day. Wednesdays day of hiking from Chestnut Bald Shelter ( I might be wrong on that name) to Jenkins shelter... about 12 miles was in my top 5 worst days on the trail so far... It was just DRY. Plain and Simple Dry


let's see the last time I updated I was in Damascus...
Out of Damascus I passed through the Grayson Highlands, which is a terrain that seemed to resemble the Old West. It was quite rocky and treeless and there were "wild" Ponies. (although there seemed to be fences everywhere surrounding the park so I don't know how free roaming they really could have been. It was a nice place and I wish I could upload some photos. Anyways I did 10, 19, 17, 10, 14,12 and then a 12 mile day (most of which I was hiking with Tintin, Fredo and Tornado). So today I'm zeroing and I'm going to enjoy it. I'm staying in the Hotel with Hyway (who I met the second day and is a constant on my journey) He's, married with 3 kids and he's a great guy with a good sense of humour. I'm also splitting the room with Groler Bear (mix between grizzly and polar bear) He's a cool guy as well. Last night in the hotel we watched The Mummy Curse of the Dragon "something" it was absolutely horrible,,, The type of movie that you just laugh at how stupid some of the dialogue is. There was a scene with Yetis that was just mind boggling how people could come up with that stuff....

Anyway,, I'm looking ahead to Shenandoah which is around mile 800 I believe.

I'm really bummed I can't post pictures, but I hope everyone is well and I'll try to update this the next time I can. Thanks for reading.
