Friday, July 2, 2010

New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts???

Well the states just seem to be clicking By. I'm currently in the Salisbury Connecticut public Library and I'm in the midst of watching the Ghana vs Uruguay soccer game. I just had a wonderful week with my Uncle Joe and Aunt Eileen and cousins Linda,Sara and Lauren. They came up and did some more hiking with me. I had an amazing time with them. We did some solid 15 mile days and then we all hung out at the campfire at the campsite later in the evening. Sara and Linda hiked with me the first day and we were able to hike along with tintin and megaladon (two of my good thru-hiker friends) then the next day Uncle Joe joined me and the last two days I hiked with Sara mostly but Aunt Eileen and Lauren joined me for a decent portion of yeasterday. The terrain has been quite enjoyable and I just got a call that my Sister and my brother-in-law Khanh may be coming to visit me tomorrow. Needless to say I'm enjoying my hike at this moment.

I may start to put on the jets soon and attempt to hike in overdrive so that I will be able to make the second week of Buckshot Lake (a family vacation area that I have been going to my whole life) but the terrain may not be as inviting to this idea. We'll see what happens, but that was an Idea that I have been imagining may just possibly be feasible. I now have less than 689 miles left to go, and I don't know what to think about that.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to post as often as I would like. I forget if I commented about the crushing defeat that the United States had... it was simply a missed opportunity by us and I know that millions of fans around the world know exactly how I feel... it happens with every country that either gets knocked out of the tournament or even fails to qualify.. but the idea that we could have made it even 1 more round is really disappointing. I've never been more proud of the USMNT's effort though and we can leave with some sense of accomplishment that we put in our best effort. I've been trying not to think about that while on the trail as it always puts me in a bad mood,,, but overall I think we had an decent World Cup.

Hopefully I'll be able to update again soon.

Kashmir ---


  1. You are now in the 600 to 700 mile range. That's great. Hoping the next 6 weeks are injury free and you enjoy the end of your AT adventure as much as you have enjoyed the beginning.
    Hikestrong !

  2. It would be great if you could come to Buckshot!
